Welcome to the Ukulele Project website. Not just for ukulele players, for anyone interested in ending loneliness and promoting wellbeing

UKE Club Directory

Joining a ukulele club is not only a great way of improving your ukulele playing, but also a brilliant way to meet kindred spirits and make new friends.

Clackmannanshire Ukulele Band

The Clackmannanshire Ukulele Band (CUBS) is a new performing band covering the Clackmannanshire and surrounding areas.

This is a new Band currently recruiting Experienced players to build the band up to operational numbers with the intention of recruiting younger and less experienced members to keep a healthy balance of age and experience.

The intention is to allow for the inclusion of various instruments such as Bass Guitar, Percussion, Cello, and Fiddle to name a few to generate a rounded and balanced tone to the group.

We are a non-profit operation which asks for a donation from those we entertain and each year a Local charity will be Identified to be the beneficiary.

It is hoped to work with local Community Groups and Education centre’s to spread the joy of this wonderful instrument and provide a steady source of young players. Consideration will also be given to collaborations with other groups and the introduction of a monthly Jam Night hosted by the group in a suitable Public House.

Email: clackmannanshireukuleleband@gmail.com

Website: clackmannanshireukuleleband.com

