Welcome to the Ukulele Project website. Not just for ukulele players, for anyone interested in ending loneliness and promoting wellbeing

UKE Club Directory

Joining a ukulele club is not only a great way of improving your ukulele playing, but also a brilliant way to meet kindred spirits and make new friends.

Northwich Uke Club

Northwich Uke Club is a friendly and informal Ukulele club based in the heart of Northwich, Cheshire.

We welcome players of all abilities at our weekly Uke Jam events, from those just starting out to the more experienced player. We meet regular at The Grape and Bean, 16 Market Street, Northwich, CW9 5BD

Website: https://www.northwichukeclub.co.uk/

Email: hello@northwichukeclub.co.uk

