Welcome to the Ukulele Project website. Not just for ukulele players, for anyone interested in ending loneliness and promoting wellbeing

UKE Club Directory

Joining a ukulele club is not only a great way of improving your ukulele playing, but also a brilliant way to meet kindred spirits and make new friends.

Pembrokeshire Ukulele Pirates

Tuesday from 8pm – The Royal George, 13 High St, Solva, Haverfordwest SA62 6TF

We welcome new members and visitors to the village, “sitting in” surprising how many people bring a Uke on holiday. We play for local Charities including Solva Care Friday Club monthly (over 65s), St Davids Alzheimer’s meeting (prior to Covid) plus an open air gig for Solva Children’s Play Area recently. We have played weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, farm harvest party, fetes etc). With any proceeds going to charity .

Email: Jonathan Higgins jasperkennel@hotmail.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Pembrokeshire-Ukulele-Pirates-508173255891247
