Welcome to the Ukulele Project website. Not just for ukulele players, for anyone interested in ending loneliness and promoting wellbeing

UKE Club Directory

Joining a ukulele club is not only a great way of improving your ukulele playing, but also a brilliant way to meet kindred spirits and make new friends.

Retford Ukulele Group

The Retford Ukulele Group was formed in 2016 and has been strumming and performing ukulele ever since. We currently meet on most Monday evenings at Beer Under The Clock, Town Hall Yard, Retford.

The RUGs are the original and best Bassetlaw uke club but we have links to other groups in the area as some of our members have started their own groups.

New members, of any ability, are very welcome. We are a friendly and supporting group so why not come along and play uke.

We also have the added bonus of meeting in Retford’s premier award winning real ale pub, Beer Under The Clock. Other drinks are available of course, as well as soft drinks if you prefer.

Email: ainslie.johnson@gmail.com

