Welcome to the Ukulele Project website. Not just for ukulele players, for anyone interested in ending loneliness and promoting wellbeing

UKE Club Directory

Joining a ukulele club is not only a great way of improving your ukulele playing, but also a brilliant way to meet kindred spirits and make new friends.


First and Third Tuesdays every month 6:00pm – 8:00pm

All ages. Mainly adults. We meet in a pub and children should be accompanied by an adult.

The format for Tuesdays varies following a regular pattern:

First Tuesday: Misspent Uke Session led by Dot Kirton

Third Tuesday every month is the least challenging for “beginners”.

We have a bass player and “core group” of regulars who lead the songs in our songbooks. We are very grateful to members who may need to give up their seats in order to accommodate these members as well as members with disabilities.

Email: info@ukes4fun.org.uk

Website: ukes4fun.org.uk/about

