UKE Club Directory
Weymouth Ukuleleans

The Weymouth Ukuleleans are a group of like minded people who were brought together by their shared enthusiasm of the ukulele.
Meeting at weekly ukulele jam sessions in The Sailors Return public house, Weymouth, the group formed in 2013 for an initial series of Christmas busking events to raise money for local charities.
Since then they have continued to play to raise money for charity, entertained residential homes, schools, guide groups, community events, cruise ship passengers departing from Portland Port and played at many local festivals including the Wessex Folk Festival, Camp Bestival in 2015 and Bestival in 2017.
The groups mantra of “Strum for Fun” seems to have captured the public’s affections and with their infectious sound of foot tapping sing along family entertainment the group are going from strength to strength.
The group currently Host a Ukulele Jam Session every first and third Thursday of the month at the Kings Arms, Trinity Road, Weymouth between 8-10pm.