Our amazing Graphic Designer, Nadia Ferronanto, came up with these fabulous bright and colourful stickers perfect to hand out to well behaved students or yourself!
Our friend Ukey Ukulele was designed by Illustrator Rose Gordon
Welcome to the Ukulele Project website. Not just for ukulele players, for anyone interested in ending loneliness and promoting wellbeing
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We love our Reward stickers for giving out to students at the end of a class. Some like to put them on a chart at home or even on their ukuleles!
Our amazing Graphic Designer, Nadia Ferronanto, came up with these fabulous bright and colourful stickers perfect to hand out to well behaved students or yourself!
Our friend Ukey Ukulele was designed by Illustrator Rose Gordon
Design | Ukulele Reward, Great Work, Self Love Club |